During the month of July, several Aylus East Cobb Branch members organized a youth basketball camp with 20+ kids. Every Thursday from 7:30pm – 9:30pm, we coached young players how to play basketball. Each practice, we separated the youth into organized groups and worked on their
basketball fundamental skills. We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to teaching again.
Dates: 7/7/2022, 7/14/2022, 7/21/2022, and 7/28/2022
Reported by: Kaisen Li
Jerry Xu 6 hours (7/7/22, 7/14/22, 7/21/22)
Kaisen Li 8 hours (7/7/22, 7/14/22, 7/21/22, 7/29/22)
Kaila Li 4 hours (7/21/22, 7/29/22)
Ryan Yao 4 hours (7/21/22, 7/29/22)
Charlie Mei 6 hours (7/14/22, 7/21/22, 7/29/22)
Gary Mei 8 hours (7/7/22, 7/14/22, 7/21/22, 7/29/22)
Brian Kuang 4 hours ( (7/7/22, 7/14/22)