DURING 2022 SUMMER BREAK, Phoenix Branch organized the fundraising activities by picking up oranges at one of AYLUS Phoenix member’s backyard. The volunteers packaged them into 10, 15, and 20 pound bags. and then several volunteers sent these oranges to the cusomers.
The money raised by this event will be used for the August school supply drive.
The volunteers that participated in this event ( pick up oranges: 4 hours, put them into boxes and weight the oranges, total ~4 hours) were:
Ethan Wei, Katherine Wei. Annie Chen, Sophia Chen, Grace Zhang, Wenting Chen, Yongfeng Chen, Amy Xie, Jack Xie, Lawrence Zhong, Davina Chen, Edward Chen, Steven Zeng
The volunteers who help to sell the oranges and drive and sent them to the customers:
Grace Zhang: (5hours)
Ethan Wei: (5 hours)
Annie Chen: (2 hours)
Jack Xie: ( 2 hours)
Wenting Chen (2 hours)
Yong Feng Chen (2 hours)