Greatest Triangle AYLUS 05/15/2022 Making Comfortable Pillows for Children with Cancer




A group of kind-hearted volunteers from AYLUS recently came together to create comforting pillows for children who are suffering from cancer. Despite being new to needlework, these volunteers were extremely diligent and spent over two hours carefully cutting and sewing several pillows with their own hands.

Their efforts were driven by a strong desire to bring joy and comfort to sick children who are going through a difficult time. These handmade pillows are a beautiful reminder that people care and are thinking of them during their struggles.

Through their selflessness and dedication, these AYLUS volunteers have demonstrated that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of others. Let us all be inspired by their compassion and continue to spread love and positivity wherever we go.


1:Sky Tianyi Han 3hours
2:Michael yang 3hours
3:fengshou guo 3hurs
4:fengnian guo 3hours
5. yuanduo li 3hours
6.Hanzhi li 3hours

7:chenkai gu 3hours

Sky Tianyi Han planning tissue, buying fabric, and stuffing(2hours)


jianhui jia

Updated: May 10, 2023 — 2:10 am

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