Greater Princeton AYLUS Prepares for its Fourth Youth Art Exhibition (3rd) in March 2022

In March, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued preparing for its 4th Youth Art Exhibition in Channing Hall at UU Princeton (50 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton, NJ 08540), scheduled for June 4th, 2022, from 1 to 7 pm.

Since 2019, GPA has hosted 3 successful youth art exhibitions, one in June 2019 for Ms Su Wei battling cancer, one in December 2019 for Princeton First Aid & Rescue Squad (PFARS) to support its Campaign for the Future with a new headquarters, and the third in May 2020 to support local health care heroes at Princeton Medical Center. 

Although COVID-19 pandemic had shut everything down for over 2 years, GPA didn’t want to stop there and do nothing. Since 2020, our members have hosted over 100 Save a Life events to help people in need, with many fundraising and donation drives. Now it’s time for us to continue our Youth Art Exhibition program to help save more lives.

The 4th Youth Art Exhibition is to raise funds along with the 4th Youth Benefit Gala to support New Jersey First Responders. Members will use the funds collected to support local heroes. Details of the exhibition are on the flyer. Please contact to submit your art works.

The 4th Youth Art Exhibition idea came from the AYLUS National Honorary President, Scholar, and Greater Princeton Branch Founding President Cassie Tammy Wang. The GPA Vice President, Xinyi Christine Zhang takes a lead in hosting the art exhibition.

GPA Volunteers: Cici Yang (3/12, 4 hrs; 3/13, 4 hrs; 3/19, 4 hrs; 3/20, 4 hrs; 3/26, 3 hrs; 3/27, 3 hrs), Vivien Yang (3/12, 4 hrs; 3/13, 4 hrs; 3/19, 4 hrs; 3/20, 4 hrs; 3/26, 2 hrs; 3/27, 2 hrs), Sarah Liu (3/26, 3 hrs; 3/27, 3 hrs), Shannon Liu (3/26, 3 hrs; 3/27, 3 hrs), Gina Ji (3/12, 2 hrs; 3/19, 2 hrs; 3/26, 2 hrs), and more.

Updated: April 21, 2022 — 12:15 pm

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