Greater Princeton AYLUS Leads National Humanity Hackathon Scheduled for December 18-19, 2021

Since fall 2021, Alissa Wu from the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS, also the Co-Vice President and National Machine Learning Committee Chair, has been working with national board members from several branches to organize the upcoming AYLUS Humanity Hacks on December 18th to 19th, 2021.

AYLUS Humanity Hacks strives to promote social good and create an environment where young coders can improve their skills while having fun. There are multiple prize tracks and there is a huge focus on giving back to the community.

After creating the poster and reaching out to former sponsors, the board created the sponsorship prospectus and poster and began increasing outreach. The involved board has successfully connected with 7 sponsors and gotten over $20k in prizes for participants.

They have also been advertising the event on Discord, social media, email, and more. For this event, they created a Discord server where they plan to host events and workshops. On Devpost, the hackathon also currently has nearly 100 signups from all over the country, based on the registration form.

Looking forward to the Humanity Hackathon this coming weekend!

Below are AYLUS members’ volunteer service and hours:

Alissa Wu:

  1. Poster + Logo Design: 2 hours (11/2), 2 hours (11/10)
  2. Sponsorship Prospectus Creation: 3 hours (10/23)
  3. Sponsorship Spreadsheet Research + Creation: 4 hours (10/8), 1 hour (10/9), 3 hours (10/26)
  4. Sponsor Outreach + Meetings: 1 hour (10/29), 2 hours (11/5), 2 hours (12/9)
  5. Website + Discord Server Creation: 2 hours (11/6), 1 hour (11/14)
  6. General Outreach: 3 hours (11/12), 2 hours (11/20), 3 hours (11/25), 4 hours (12/1), 3 hours (12/7), 2 hours (12/10)

Katherine Wei:

  1. Sponsorship Outreach: 2 hours (10/31), 2 hours (11/14)
  2. Sponsorship Prospectus Creation: 1 hour (10/22)
  3. Sponsorship Email Template Creation: 2 hours (11/8)
  4. Website Creation: 1 hour (11/20)
  5. General Outreach: 2 hours (11/23), 2 hours (12/4), 1 hour (12/12)

Samuel Li:

  1. Sponsorship Spreadsheet Creation: 2 hours (10/24), 1 hour (10/31)
  2. Sponsorship Outreach: 1 hour (11/9)
  3. General Outreach: 1 hour (11/3), 2 hours (12/8)
  4. Discord Server Creation: 1 hour (11/14)

James Shi:

  1. Sponsorship Spreadsheet Research + Creation 2 hours (10/20)
  2. General Outreach: 1 hour (11/20), 2 hours (12/5)

Albon Wu:

  1. General Outreach: 1 hour (12/2)

Mia Chen:

  1. Logo Vectorization: 2 hours (10/30)

Updated: December 13, 2021 — 12:43 pm

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