AYLUS Pearland Presents for the AYLUS National Seminar

On October 17th, AYLUS Co-Vice President Kate Liu presented for the AYLUS National Seminar. During the presentation, she introduced the accomplishments completed by AYLUS Pearland over the past years as well as the volunteer activities that the Pearland branch has participated in. After the presentation, she openly answered questions that other AYLUS branches had. In addition, she was able to learn about the events that the other branches have hosted in the past and how they could be implemented into the Pearland branch’s projects. Overall, the summit was a great opportunity for different branches to interact with each other and learn about each other’s impacts on communities around the nation.

Reported by Kate Liu

AYLUS Virtual Seminar

Updated: April 3, 2021 — 4:21 am

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