Phoenix Branch IT Committee Develops App to Track Hours for PVSA on September 17, 2020

On September 17, 2020, Phoenix Branch’s IT Committee developed an app that you can use from the app store to track your hours for the PVSA. It is very easy to use this app to track volunteer date/event and hours. It also can provide a summary for AYLUS and non-AYLUS volunteer hours and tell you how many hours you need until the PVSA award. This is a great and convenient tool for AYLUS members or even anybody to keep tracking volunteer hours or some events as a reference.

We would really appreciate it if you could download the app and try it out. Please provide feedback and rate the app so it can be further improved.

Volunteers: Andrew Yang, Kerry Zhuo

Updated: September 18, 2020 — 1:25 am

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