AYLUS Williamsville Delivers Cards to Seniors on September 4th, 2020

Throughout the month of August, AYLUS Williamsville member Dasang Dolma committed 1 hour every weekday to making and writing cards for seniors. In total, 116 cards were made. On September 4th, she then delivered the cards to a local senior living facility, Elderwood at Williamsville. As seen in the photos, only one person was allowed to enter the building. The cards were greatly appreciated by both Elderwood staff and seniors who had been struggling in self isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic, unable to leave their homes to see loved ones and friends. Dasang is very appreciative that she had the opportunity to brighten the seniors’ days and hopes to make more cards in the future!

Volunteers: Dasang Dolma (20.5 hrs. total)

Updated: January 1, 2021 — 10:14 pm

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