Greater Memphis Branch Tutors Math from August 8th to 29th

Within the past few weeks, Harris Chen tutored Eric and Fiona 3rd grade math on August 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. They used Beast Academy, an online math program, to teach the following subjects/concepts listed below.


We learned about:
-Names of different shapes
-Properties of polygons
-Properties of triangles
-Properties of right angles
-How to find the area of regular polygons
-How to find the perimeter of regular polygons
Total class time: 2 hours



We learned about:
-Types of triangles (acutes, right, obtuse)
-Types of triangles (isosceles, scalene, equilateral)
-Types of angles
-Properties of obtuse and acute angles
-Other less common shapes (rhombus, kite)
-Properties of these shapes/ how to find the area and perimeter
Total class time: 2 hours 


We solved/learned:
-Word problems (part 1)
-Word problems (part 2)
-Multiplication strategies
-Different puzzles (Maze escape, connect the critters)
-Skip counting (part 1)
Total class time: 2 hours



We solved/learned:
-Skip counting (part 2)
-Multiples of numbers
-Toothpick puzzles
-Least common multiple
-How to find the least common multiple between 2 numbers
Total class time: 2 hours
Updated: August 30, 2020 — 4:22 pm

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