East Cobb Branch Held Youth Tutoring Program XIX

On February 23rd, 2019, members from the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS continued Youth Tutoring program after a short Winter Break at the East Cobb Library. The tutoring lasted two hours and since not all of the students showed up the tutors had more time to explain the concept to the students.

The tutors used different tactics to teach the students. For example, the tutors would draw out pictures to visualize the problems or they might use real world examples. The tutors also used different tips so the students may understand the material better.

The tutors were paired one-on-one with each of the students, so kids were able to have direct conversations. A total of two tutors were present to teach the students in math and reading. Some students brought in homework they didn’t understand, so the tutors read the problem with the students and walk them through the steps of solving these problems.

At the Switzer Library, we sent 3 tutors, and they were pretty busy as over 10 students came in on the same time.

The tutors worked on a variety of subjects with the students specifically math and reading. Tutors reviewed quizzes and tests with students and reworked missed questions, and the students were given further exercises similar to the question missed.

Tutors used different styles of teaching based on the age group. For example, tutors drew out pictures for to visualize math problems for kindergartners to help them understand addition and subtraction. Tutors also gave tips on reading comprehension and how to better understand the authors meaning through the text.

The East Cobb Branch holds tutoring sessions every Saturday at East Cobb Library and Switzer Library, giving an opportunity for kids in the area access to help with their studies. The program gives students a comfortable environment to ask for help in academics. The interaction between tutors and students also makes learning more enjoyable. The tutors were shelved books in between their tutoring sessions.

Attendance: Nicholas Zhang (2 hours), Jiarong Wang (2 hours), Kevin Shen (2 Hours), David Qu (2 Hours), Cynthia Ruan (1 Hours), Nick Vincent (3 hours).

Reported by: Jiarong Wang, David Qu

Updated: March 3, 2019 — 9:40 pm

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