AYLUS Pearland Helped DHS Flock Party

On September 12th, AYLUS volunteered and donated homemade dishes to Dawson High School’s Asian Culture Club for the school’s 2018 “Flock Party” event. The volunteers arrived early before the event and set up the tables and booths and by 6:00pm, delicious dishes covered the tables. When the event began, a massive amount of people rushed towards the Asian Culture Club booth and AYLUS volunteers worked with the club’s officers to sell and distribute the food to the guests. It was not an easy task with over 500 people visiting the event and the booth. By the end of the event at 8:00pm, the Asian Culture Club, alongside AYLUS volunteers, had successfully sold $398 worth of food to 220 individuals. The money will be used to fund the club’s events and promote Asian Culture to its 168 members and the rest of Dawson High School.

Updated: September 17, 2018 — 4:50 pm

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