Why do I Love AYLUS?
29 November, 2015
The Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States
In July 2015, it began
There was a missing section
An emptiness, that AYLUS fulfilled
AYLUS, so kind
Improves the life of others
Gives us the chance
To learn
To teach
To grow
To live life to its fullest
To make an impact on the world, both small and big
Like a puzzle, carefully assembled
That perfectly fits together
Everyone has a piece
Something they can do to help
No matter who they are or what they desire
Artists, musicians, writers, scientists, mathematicians, leaders…
AYLUS works persistently for them
Shares passions and joys
Helps when times are hard
Always contributes to those in need countless ways
Food Drive,
To help those who are hungry, hoping that someone, anyone, will sympathize
Clean Up the World,
To help the environment, the Earth, who has given so much to us
Music from Heart, Art Event,
To bring some long needed peace, relief, comfort,
From the beauty of the masterpiece
Essay Contest,
To offer the chance to improve writing skills, show passion and love
Parent Appreciation Event,
To acknowledge and learn how much parents give to their children, time, effort, love
And return it
AYLUS, continue to flourish
Already wonderful
Try hard, become the best you can
Special, different, unique, from everything else
Thank you
Love you