AYLUS Greater Triangle 4/10/2024 Packs Juice Cartons at Food Bank

AYLUS Greater Triangle Volunteers Bring Joy to Little Ones at Durham Food Bank

AYLUS Greater Triangle 4/10/2024 Packs Juice Cartons at Food Bank

In a heartwarming display of community spirit, volunteers from AYLUS Greater Triangle rallied together at the Durham Food Bank to pack up juice cartons destined for the hands of little ones in need. With every carton packed, they infused a bit of joy into the lives of children who may otherwise go without.

Throughout the day, the volunteers worked tirelessly, their efforts culminating in an impressive accomplishment: nearly 3,000 pounds of juice cartons packed and ready for distribution. Each carton was carefully placed into boxes, meticulously organized to ensure maximum efficiency.

As the last carton was packed and the final box sealed, a sense of fulfillment permeated the air. A job well done, but more importantly, a significant impact made on the lives of young ones in the community.

AYLUS Greater Triangle’s efforts at the Durham Food Bank exemplify the power of collective action and the profound difference that can be made when individuals come together for a common cause. Through their dedication and kindness, they not only packed juice cartons but also packed hope and joy for the little ones who will receive them.


1. Michael Yang (3 hr)

2. Ria Wu (3 hr)

3. Alex Liu (3 hr)

4. Haochen Guo (3 hr)


Reported by Ria Wu

Updated: April 14, 2024 — 12:51 am

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