Upper Manhattan Branch Hosts Park Clean-Up Activity at Morningside Park on February 24, 2024

On February 24th, the Upper Manhattan Branch organized a park clean-up activity at Morningside Park, a lush green space located in the heart of the Upper Manhattan community. Morningside Park, with its rich history and cultural significance, is a favorite destination for locals and visitors alike, offering a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

For the cleanup activity, volunteers arrived early, ready to tackle the task of making the park even more inviting. Equipped with gloves and plastic bags, they began their journey from the northernmost point of the park. As they walked, they scanned the ground, keeping their eyes peeled for any trash or debris.

From discarded food wrappers and beverage cans to plastic bottles and paper, the volunteers picked up everything they could find. They worked diligently, bending down to pick up trash and carefully placing it into the plastic bags.

As they progressed southward, the volunteers encountered various challenges, such as trash hidden in bushes or stuck in crevices. However, they did not let these obstacles deter them. Instead, they used sticks and other tools to reach into hard-to-access areas, ensuring that no piece of trash was left behind.

Members who participated (3 hrs): Richard Xu, Tiffany Liu
Reported by: Richard


Updated: February 25, 2024 — 3:58 pm

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