Upper Manhattan Branch Hosts Snow and Ice Cleanup at Little Neck Train Station on 1/20/2024

In the wake of a severe snowstorm that hit the area, the Upper Manhattan Branch rose to the occasion and organized a diligent snow and ice cleanup event at Little Neck Train Station on January 20, 2024. The operation began early in the morning, with volunteers equipped with shovels, bags, and a steadfast determination to clear the vital transit hub.


Their efforts were focused on ensuring safe and accessible pathways for commuters and residents alike, who rely on the Little Neck Train Station for their daily travels, by removing the snow and ice which could be dangerous for commuters in the area who rely on the station to travel. The team worked tirelessly, methodically clearing snow and de-icing surfaces, a task made challenging by the heavy accumulation and freezing temperatures.


Despite the adverse weather conditions, the volunteers persevered and continued their work, ensuring that the most critical areas of the train station were cleaned promptly, minimizing disruption and potential hazards posed by the snow and ice. Additionally, volunteers also helped pick up trash found at the train station, making it a cleaner and more pleasant environment for everyone.


The volunteers’ efforts were not just a service to the train station but also an inspiring display of civic duty and neighborly care. They came together as a community, united by a common goal, and their selflessness and dedication were a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.


Their actions were a reminder that, in times of crisis, we can all come together and make a difference.


Members who participated (2.5 hrs): Richard Xu, Mark Li


Reported by Richard Xu

Updated: January 27, 2024 — 4:56 am

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