Syosset AYLUS Volunteers to help fight invasive species at the Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve on 12/02/2023

On December 2, Syosset AYLUS members partnered up to help fight invasive species at the  Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve. As volunteers walked towards the site, they were introduced with a cluster of trees that were strangled with thick vines. These vines give the trees extra weight that only continues to weigh trees down during storms, allowing for the trees to be weakened and at risk for fungi and insects to enter. These trees eventually die and with this process repeated, forests wither changing natural ecosystems and environments greatly. Volunteers went straight to work using tools to remove these vines. In addition, other invasives such as porcelain berries, asiatic bittersweet, and more were all removed during this process. With destroyed branches and invasives removed, these vines will definitely be weaker for the next season. In the end, leftover materials that were collected were put back into the habitat for birds and other native animals to live and get through the winter. Volunteers worked from 9:30AM to 12:00PM in order to make an impact on our environment.

Volunteers & Hours: Tony Tang, Rachel Zhang, Suiwai Li, Suiying Li, Aaron Wong, and Jessica Albrecht – ALL 2.5 HRS

Updated: December 9, 2023 — 9:49 pm

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