San Diego Branch hosts the 9th Smiling Stars Reading program on November 18, 2023

Reported by Andrew Zhou

Smiling Stars Reading Program is a new project by AYLUS San Diego and kicked off on September 23, 2023..

This program serves a dual purpose: to facilitate meaningful connections with local children with autism and improve their communication skills, while simultaneously improving their foundational reading comprehension skills. Our commitment is not only to foster a safe and fun group environment but also to encourage these children to engage, communicate, and learn with enthusiasm.

During the meetings, our volunteers wish to act as “buddies” with the local kids with autism while also helping them improve their basic reading comprehension, in the process encouraging them to communicate and participate, and have fun in a group environment. Our volunteers plan fun activities while learning, and additionally build their communication and reading comprehension skills by encouraging participation. Ultimately, the goal is to create a safe, fun, and comfortable environment to create a better learning environment, and at the same time, allow the kids to interact with people and learn basic reading skills.

On November 18th, we read “I am a Turkey!,” paying close attention to the pictures as well, eventually reviewing and testing the knowledge of the students on the book with a fun Kahoot to help them learn more about the content. At the end, we colored a Turkey.

AYLUS Members that participated in the Smiling Stars on 11/18/2023:

Andrew Zhou (1.5 volunteer service hours),

Lauren Kan (1.5 volunteer service hours),

Max Yang (1.5 volunteer service hours)

Updated: November 20, 2023 — 9:52 pm

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