AYLUS Syosset Continues Teaching Chinese to Young Learners, 10/30/23

On the evening of October 30, Syosset AYLUS taught some eager Chinese language learners the different parts of the body. Because the size of the students was relatively large, students were broken off into different groups, each group assigned a teacher. The teachers taught how to say specific body parts in Chinese,  for example, head, shoulders, face, arm, neck, and ears. The students also learned different verbs regarding movement, such as touching and pointing.  after the students were familiar with the basic vocabulary, everyone from every group joined together and played Simon Says in Chinese. This was to help review and improve the student’s Chinese proficiency and understanding, all while having fun and getting to know each other better. This game was successful, as there was a lot of laughter, enthusiasm, and participation. In the last 10 minutes of class,  the teachers gathered everyone together in the front of the room, including all of the students and their parents, and introduced the story of Zhong Kui, a Chinese exorcism story perfect for Halloween. When the storytelling had finished, the teachers also taught the students how to say “Happy Halloween” in Chinese,  and as each child was able to say it,  they were offered Halloween candy as a small gift. 

Volunteers– Everyone (1h): Thea Chen, Xinyong Zhang, Xuanyu Liu, Suiwai Li

Updated: November 1, 2023 — 11:13 pm

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