AYLUS Syosset teaches basketball to elementary schoolers at A.P Willits on 8/27/2023

On 8/27/23 members of AYLUS Syosset went to A.P Willits to teach elementary students basketball. The coaches who volunteered were dedicated to bringing out the full potential of the students present by having tests done to show which grade level in basketball each student was in. All students were very talented at their own specific subsection of basketball after the coaches were done separating the students into multiple levels the coaches, furthermore helped the students develop some of the skills the students lacked. Many students were more developed in shooting and dribbling due to past classes. Due to most students being more progressed in shooting, dribbling, and passing Syosset AYLUS started teaching even more complex skills such as layups, boxing out the opponent in defense, and efficiently getting rebounds.ImageImageImageImageImageImage

Members who participated include everyone (2h):

Xinyong Zhang, Felix Zhang, Bryan Wan, Rowen Zhu, Tyler Zhu, WangYang Ji

Updated: September 3, 2023 — 7:36 pm

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