AYLUS Bellaire volunteered to clean up Evelyn’s Park on August 6, 2023

On August 6, 2023, members of the AYLUS Bellaire branch volunteered for the ninth consecutive trash clean-up at Evelyn’s Park.


From 5:30pm to 6:30pm, ten volunteers wore gloves and used old grocery bags to collect trash from Evelyn’s park. They observed numerous plastic and paper confetti circles littered around the water play area and the surrounding sidewalks. The reason for the confetti, they concluded, was that someone recently threw a party in which they scattered confetti everywhere, but they

did not bother to clean up. To effectively clean up the confetti, all the volunteers worked together and first picked up the plastic confetti circles before moving on to the paper confetti circles. After about fifteen minutes, volunteers mitigated the confetti threat.


Volunteers covered the entire park, including both parking lots, the small dining area near Newcastle Dr., and the bus station on Bellaire Blvd. They collected ten bags of trash, each bag weighing between one to three pounds.


10 volunteers participated in this event (1 hour): Alexander Tang, Yuruo Shen, Matthew Zong, Daniel Wu, Shaun Israni, Andrew Chen, Jason Chen, Owen Chang, and Shreyas Sinha.

Good work, everyone!


Reported by Yuruo Shen

Updated: August 11, 2023 — 8:05 pm

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