Riverside County AYLUS Members Donate Clothes to Benefit the Local Community in July, 2023

Several RCA members collected clothes by asking friends and family members. Some also donated clothes by going through their own closets. Items that were still in good condition were selected to be donated. These clothes were cleaned, folded, and then donated to various charities that benefit the local community, such as the Assistance League Temecula Valley, a non-profit that has been around for years and is known to do a lot of philanthropic work such as supporting children in foster care or supporting low-income children during the back-to-school season through what is known as Operation School Bell. By donating these items, these non-profit organizations can raise funds to continue to provide support to the local community. Environmentally it also helps to repurpose old clothes so that they don’t end up in a landfill.

Michael Brown (07/13 and 07/14) Kayla Paulsen (07/10), Alyssa Paulsen (07/10), Kayden Nguyen (07/28), Nicholas Navarro (07/08 and 07/28) 1.5 hrs each
Sophie Chung (07/07 and 07/28), Khang (Daniel) Tran (07/28), Holiday Rothermund (07/28) 1 hr each



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