Edmond Branch Volunteers at Libraries on 7-23 to 7-29

From 7/23 to 7/29, Julia worked four 3-hour shifts at two different libraries to promote learning over the summer. At the Southwest Oklahoma Pioneer Library, she presented her Scratch program, designed to interest children in computer science, to the staff and received their feedback. Due to their strict advertising schedule, it may appear as early as the winter, though the spring season is more likely. There, she also gathered books for the pull list and filled school supply bags for a kindergarten program.

Meanwhile, at the Southern Oaks Metropolitan Library, she worked a desk shift for the summer reading program where she logged the participants’ hours and distributed prizes to those who met their goals. She also explained and monitored games during an outdoor program for children that wanted them to develop healthy habits such as exercise. Outside of these two periods, she also volunteered an additional 1.75 hours where she revised her Scratch program based on staff suggestions. More clear instructions were created by breaking them down into smaller steps and the program was rebuilt to work on a laptop rather than a tablet.


Julia Chen (13.75 Hours)


Julia's Slides explaining her Scratch programJulia with library donationsJulia organizes booksReview of the Scratch program

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