AYLUS Syosset branch volunteers at Cornell Cooperative Extension Nassau Farmers’ Market at Eisenhower Park for the third week, 07/29/23

Written by: Sophia Liu
On Saturday, July 29th, members of the AYLUS Syosset branch attended the Cornell Cooperative Extension Nassau Farmers’ Market at Eisenhower Park for the third week in the row! The market is dedicated to bringing awareness to the benefits of eating farm-fresh produce and supporting local businesses. There were many vendors featured at the market, all of whom sold locally-made items. These include vegetables, fruit, bread, baked goods, pickles, candles, and more. Each week, the booths change. This week, we saw some friendly faces, but we were also introduced to new ones as well!
Similar to last week, children could partake in the greenhouse in the glove activity. Many members volunteered at the activity station where they helped children make their greenhouse in a glove. First, they filled each finger of the glove with a water-soaked cotton ball. Then, they filled each finger with a few seeds. They were given several seeds to choose from including green peas, corn, alfalfa, soybeans, and more. Finally, they taped off the top of the glove and were instructed to leave them out in the sun. The seeds will eventually germinate and sprout in the glove due to the moisture, and the cotton ball will essentially act as soil. After the seeds have sprouted, they can be planted in the garden and will eventually grow into plants.
This week, a few members got to experience new volunteer activities such as keeping track of the number of customers or people that visited the market. This week, there was a total of approximately 340 people.

Members participated include:

Sophia Liu (4 hours), Rachel Zhang (4 hours), Thea Chen (4.5 hours), Alyssa Huang (4.5 hours), Margaret Zhang (4.5h).

Updated: August 1, 2023 — 12:35 am

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