Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (17th) ( 7/11–7/16/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiaoi:


On Tuesday, July 11: They began with preparing the light snack and drinks as the residents had already completed exercise. While the residents were entertained with small videos of animals and music, they carefully sliced strawberries and added small pieces of cantaloupe and watermelon. Topping the snack with apple sauce, the cups were handed out for everyone to enjoy, while the cranberry and orange juice was prepared. After making rounds to collect the trash, juice was passed out to all the residents, leaving them satisfied. As the cups were cleared, the residents and volunteers took turns reading the daily chronicle and enjoying the light trivia, before the bright sunshine prompted everyone to go outside. They took many of the residents on walks around the courtyard, before taking them to lunch.

Volunteers :

Wei Liu / Adora Xiao : 2 hrs ea


On Friday, July 14: While the activities director ran to get the food necessary for the residents, they started the workout without her. This included using pool noodles to stretch out arms, joints, and legs. While the residents rolled out their ankles, the food arrived, and they transitioned to preparing fruit salads. They cut bananas and strawberries, and added sliced peach and blueberries. They brought the residents outside to enjoy the snack, and passed out the bowls of fruit before taking special puddings to residents unable to eat the regular snacks. One in particular didn’t enjoy the pudding, hence was fed a drink with nutrients as a supplement. After the snack and water, they read the daily chronicle, before conversing with the residents and taking them to lunch.

Volunteers :

Wei Liu / Adora Xiao : 2 hrs ea





On Sunday, July 16: They took some time to stretch out their arms and shoulders joints before engaging in rounds of volleyball. When the residents grew tired, they passed out cranberry juice and water for them to stay hydrated. After clearing the cups, the residents took turns reading parts of the daily chronicle, while the volunteers ensured the residents were comfortable and didn’t get injured. Afterwards, the residents became enthralled with a game of cornhole. As they took turns throwing, the residents became impatient, and after a few rounds including a bonus three winners were decided on. Right on time, lunch was ready for the residents, and they were transported to the dining hall.

Volunteers :

Wei Liu / Adora Xiao : 2 hrs ea



Updated: September 18, 2023 — 4:30 am

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