East Pittsburgh Aylus Helps Food Bank Pack Boxes (6/28/2023)

On June 28th the East Aylus Pittsburgh branch helps the Westmoreland food bank pack food into boxes. The initiative aimed to support the food bank’s mission of alleviating hunger and providing essential supplies to those in need within the community. The activities included sorting and packing food where volunteers diligently sorted and organized various food items such as fruits and vegetables into boxes. This ensured that the food bank’s inventory was properly categorized and ready for distribution. Additionally our volunteers also bagged corn ensuring that the produce was properly packaged and sealed. This allowed for easy distribution and minimized wastage. The volunteers also played a crucial role in quality control, ensuring that all food items and corn bags met the required standards. The ongoing partnership between the volunteer organization and the food bank serves as an inspiring example of how collaborative efforts can make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families facing challenging circumstances.

volunteer: Joshua Chen, Eliot Chen, Evan Chen (all 2 hours)

Updated: June 29, 2023 — 12:51 am

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