Cheshire Branch Volunteers at Chinese School Picnic 6/3/2023

Reported by: Valerie Zheng

On June 3rd, 2023, the AYLUS Cheshire Branch helped volunteer throughout the Chinese School Picnic. Before the event started, members helped set up the decorations, stage, and food area. During the event, members helped with the games and distributing the food. After the event, cleanup was headed by the members. Attached in the folder are pictures of the event and the sign in sheet.



Valerie Zheng 9 hours

Bradley Fang 9 hours

Owen Sun 6.25 hours

David Cheng 4 hours

Connor Jiang 4.5 hours

James Fan 5 hours

Didier Fan 5 hours

Arthur Hu 4.5 hours

Updated: June 23, 2023 — 1:45 am

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