Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Food Bank (15th) (4/05/23)

Reported by Julie (Hsin Chen) Lu

On April 5, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members helped the Community Mission of Hope. After signing in, the members got down to work. They started off by sorting the food into their respective crates. After a crate filled up, it would be moved to its designated section before starting a new one. The members were told to pay special attention to the canned foods. If there were dents of any kind, they would go in the “Dented Cans” crates instead. After the foods were sorted, the members moved to the back to sort the dented cans. Ms. Maggie, the supervisor, taught them how to identify dented cans of food that needed to be thrown away from those that are still  to eat. The cans that are given the “ok” are placed on a cart with a mark to indicate that they’re safe to give away, and the cans that are deemed unsafe are placed in a black bag and tossed away. The members were able to finish this job quickly and get back in time to bag the foods. After they finished with bagging, the members quickly cleaned up the work area before waving goodbye to the staff.


Aaliyah Xiu / Allen Xiu:  9 – 11:30:  2.5 hrs

Cathy (KaiXi) Liu : 9 – 12:00 : 3 hrs

Julie (Hsin Chen) Lu / Jessica Lu: 9-12:45: 3.75 hrs

Updated: May 9, 2023 — 4:55 am

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