Bellaire volunteered at Houston Food Bank on April 23, 2023

The AYLUS Bellaire Branch volunteered at the Houston Food Bank on Sunday, April 23, 2023.
The Houston Food Bank is America’s largest food bank in distribution leading hunger relief in 18 southeast Texas counties. They distribute fresh produce, meat and nonperishables and prepare nutritious hot meals for kids in our state.
Volunteers on Sunday helped with the First Sort where volunteers sort donated boxes of surplus food from grocery stores and independent donators to low-income communities and other eligible individuals.
From 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, volunteers worked on sorting cans and bags of food such as cereal, chips, and other snacks. Volunteers sifted through boxes on conveyor belts to separate health and cleaning products from edible products. After sorting through each box, volunteers loaded the sorted items back onto the conveyor belts to be placed in their respective locations elsewhere.
At the end, they cleaned the working area. During the volunteering time, along with the other volunteer organizations they sorted through 5 pallets of boxes, equal to nearly 4,000 pounds of food or 3075 meals.
The following volunteers attended this event (3 hours): Alexander Tang, Jason Deng, Catherine Xue, Shreyas Sinha; Aria Jin (2 hours).
Reported by Jason Deng
Updated: April 24, 2023 — 12:06 am

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