Frisco & Plano Branch Recycle Art Projects show on Feb 14th, 2023

Reported By Jenny Wang

Trash to treasure, what a meaningful project for every branch member to show their talents.  From January 2023 to the beginning of February 2023, seven members of Frisco & Plano branch successfully created their Recycle Art projects and submitted to the AYLUS Recycle Art contest.  Here are their Recycle Art works:

  1. Bruce Wu spend 8 hours on his art works below.  Very creative! Congrats!
  2.  Brandi Wu spent 7 hours (1 hours on the bunny and 6 hours on the planter). Such brilliant ideas! Congrats!                                                                                                     
  3. Amanda Yin spent 4 hours on her project. She used pistachio shells to create these 3D flowers across the poster board and to keep them in place I used hot glue. The 2D flower designs that create a sort of border were cut out from old wrapping paper from a previous gift. The sparkling foils with flower designs across them are old chocolate wrappers. The middles/silver centers of the pistachio shell flowers are silver foam balls that were leftover from previous years. The background is made using watercolors. The real beauty in this piece of art is the fact that it was made by materials that aren’t brand new. It makes the piece more valuable to me because despite the piece being made by items that one may describe as trash, it still looks amazing, and all of the components come together nicely to create a masterpiece.  Congrats!                     
  4. Emily Yin spent 5 hours on her project. Her project is a flowering tree, with a little treehouse and a swing. The trunk is made of a wrapping paper roll, the branches out of straws, the flowers out of pistachio shells, and the treehouse and swing made of chocolate wrappers and cardboard. My tree gives meaning to new life; it is a tree of life, after all, touched upon by the playthings of children and blossoms. From much trash there comes pieced-together treasure, and may that be so for everyone. Congrats!                                                                                                         
  5. Chloe Lin spent 4 hours on her project. The use of her trash art was to make an eye-pleasing wall decoration using a commonly discarded object. Made nearly entirely with toilet paper rolls, this is an item that we often don’t think about when throwing away. She wanted to create something that was easy to make-requiring you to just cut apart the rolls and glue  them together-and also something that someone would want to keep. Congrats!                                   
  6. Melody Zhang has spent 5 hours on her art project. Great imagination! Congrats!                         
  7. Lillian Qian spent 6 hours on her Recycle Art project.  Crane Wing In certain cultures, cranes signify immortality and transformation. The materials used to create the wing were transformed from something useless to a piece of art. The reuse of the trash is the immortality of it.  Such a creative and beautiful piece of art! Very impressive.  Congrats!             



Updated: February 14, 2023 — 10:09 pm

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