Phoenix AYLUS Facilitate Toastmaster for Public Speaking Improvement on 06/06/2021

On June 06, 2021, Phoenix AYLUS members joined and Facilitated Toast master for public speech improvement.  Firstly the members watched the training video about how to improve hand gesture When public speaking.  You could use your hands in a manner that conveys confidence.  use your hands to convey emotion. DO position your hands to send the right subtle message etc.

There are two pre-prepared speech, the 1st speech speech is about Robotics and FLL competition, how did she come up with idea to design a robotics device which can been used for special educational need. Very good experience and excellent speak skills. The people do not give up early and easily, they support and motivated each other as a team to overcome challenges and break through the limits and reach higher target: final list and get the award.  The 2nd speech is about Basis term project: cooking, sewing and other fun and interesting projects.

Table topic is about D-day, Planning papers for large-scale operations are made up in detail long before, specific dates are set. Phased orders are planned for execution on D-Day or H-Hour minus or plus a certain number of days, hours, or minutes.

Updated: June 7, 2021 — 3:38 am

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