Greater Princeton AYLUS Continues Shoe Drive with Soles 4 Souls (2nd) in May 2021

In May, the Greater Princeton branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued its initiative to help people in poverty and make the world a little better.

Give a shoe, save a life. Did you know that 767 million people around the world live on less than $1.90 per day? For many people in developing nations, finding a job that generates a sustainable income is difficult. Many go hungry and are barefoot all year round.

We collect all styles and sizes of new or gently worn shoes. All donations will go to Soles 4 Souls, an organization committed to helping people around the world overcome these obstacles by giving them shoes for themselves and their families.

Please tie pairs of shoes together or use a rubber band to keep them together. When donating cloth shoes please put them in a Ziploc bag or other type of bag.

The collection will take place until May 30th 2021. 

Participants: Fengqi Wen (5/2, 5 hrs), Dawson Lin (5/2, 3 hrs), Steven Li (5/2, 3 hrs), Cassie Wang (5/2, 3 hrs).

Updated: May 8, 2021 — 8:26 pm

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