Phoenix AYLUS setup a online garage sale for fundraising in April

Phoenix AYLUS member Audrey Zhang spent total 3 hours in April to create an online garage sale website for fundraising, mainly to collect some clean non-used clothes, used books and toys from AYLUS members and to sale them with much cheaper price to reuse them for better environment and meanwhile to raise the funds, which could be donated to the AZCEND or other food bank to help the people in need.
Currently Audrey is responsible for maintain this online garage sale website, she need take the pictures for the stuff Phoenix Aylus member donate, and then upload these pictures and set a price in the website, if somebody interested to buy, they will contact with Audrey, there are a lot of communication and negotiation conversation associated.
She also spent 2 hours and made some candy container and decorations using the caps and plastic bottles, which is for recycling/reuse and support “earth day” in April.

Ziqing Kuang collected lots of books and donated for garage sale, total 3 hours.

Updated: May 9, 2021 — 11:52 pm

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