Greater Memphis Branch Tutors Various Subjects during February

On Feb 4, Emily helped Eric perfect and memorize Minuet by J.S. Bach. They went through the song and corrected little mistakes, and Eric tried memorizing line by line afterwards.(1 hr)

On Feb 5, Emily helped Poppy as she read the fourteenth chapter of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” They reviewed the missed words afterwards.(1 hr)

On Feb 7th, Emily taught Hedy to paint a few objects in watercolor. They painted fruits and flowers.(1 hr)

On Feb 12, Emily helped Poppy as she read the fifteenth chapter of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” They reviewed missed words at the end of the session.(1.25 hrs)

On Feb 19, Emily helped Poppy as she read the sixteenth chapter of the first book in the Harry Potter series. They reviewed missed words in the end.(1.5 hrs)

On Feb 15, Emily and Deborah remade the first parrot from their previous session, and then Emily helped teach Deborah how to make an origami bat.(1 hr)

On Feb 21, Emily taught Deborah how to make origami butterflies and flowers.(1 hr)

On Feb 25th, Emily continued to help Eric with Minuet by Bach. Together, they made sure Eric could accurately play each part while memorized. She helped him touch up some mistakes as well. (1.25 hrs)

During the tutoring session on February 6th, Ashley taught a third-grade student. Since it was so close to lunar new year, they decided to do something more fun, including reading an interesting novel: a historical fiction story on the Berlin Wall.
During the tutoring session on February 13th, Ashley taught two elementary-grade students. They first went over basic grammar concepts such as semi colons, colons, and other forms of punctuation. Then, they practiced spelling practice to further expand their vocabulary skills. Finally, they ended the session by reading a historical fiction novel, A Night Divided.

Volunteers: Emily Hu (9 hrs), Ashley Yan (2 hrs)

Updated: March 6, 2021 — 9:46 pm

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