Greater Memphis Branch Tutors Math throughout January

On January 22nd, Eunice Yuri Yi and Alice Situ practiced multiplication and learned the order of operation. They also went over the basic concepts of forces.
On January 8th, Eunice Yuri Yi and Alice Situ learned about volume, area, and right, obtuse, and acute angles. Eunice also taught how to plot ordered pairs.

On January 18th, Alan Cheng and Vedder warmed up with some basic speed times tables and then practiced 2×1 digit and 3×1 digit multiplication. Afterwards, they worked on reviewing fraction addition, putting in some defined steps into the process.  


On January 3rd, Harris tutored math to both Eric and Fiona. They:

-reviewed how to find the area of regular polygons
-learned ways to subtract and add areas of shapes
-learned about right triangles and its properties
-worked on word challenges and area problems
Time: (2 hrs)

On January 10th, Harris tutored math to both Eric and Fiona. They:

-reviewed long devision
-completed devision practice worksheet #1 and #2
-worked on reading tables and the distributive property
-worked on cross number puzzles
Time: (2hrs)

On January 16th, Harris tutored math to Eric. They:

-reviewed multiples of ten and long devision
-completed devision practice worksheet #1 and #2
-completed the “dividing sums” and “dividing products” lesson
Time: (1.5 hr)

On January 17th, Harris tutored math to both Eric and Fiona. They:

-completed word problems on division
-completed the unit eight test
-went on to chapter nine
-learned about converting units (miles to meter, feet to yard, etc)
-worked on converting units worksheet
Time: (2 hrs)
Tutors: Eunice Yuri Yi (2 hrs), Alan Cheng (0.75 hrs), Harris Chen (7.5 hrs)
Updated: February 20, 2021 — 8:33 pm

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