AYLUS Lake Washington Collects 85 pounds of candy from local drive, delivering them to Treats for Troops on 11/4/20

On November the 4th, 2020, the Lake Washington branch of AYLUS hosted a local candy drive to benefit Treats for Troops, who provide candy to American soldiers around the world. The branch timed the drive to be after Halloween so that they could obtain the most leftover candy possible. They also went door to door in the neighbourhood of one of their founders, gaining most of the candy that way. The branch delivered the candy a few days after that. Altogether, they collected 85 pounds of candy, smashing last years record for 125 pounds collected across the entire region.


William Gong (5 hours, Candy Drive and Delivery)

Marko Vidich (6 hours, Candy Drive and Poster Design)

Rian Pai (4 hours, Candy Drive)

Aadithya Manoj (4 hours, Candy Drive)

Keshav Acharya (4 hours, Candy Drive)

Ryan Tang (4 hours, Candy Drive)

Updated: November 15, 2020 — 7:43 pm

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