Manhasset AYLUS members participated in a candy drive for the community

On 10/24/20, the Manhasset AYLUS branch held a candy drive for the Manhasset community. Members of the branch collected and donated candy with contributions from relatives.

The candy was gathered by Manhasset AYLUS members and donated to the Manhasset Jr Tower Foundation. An event was held near the train station. Kids would be able to “trick or treat” and get candy since they would be unable to due to the current situation. The area was decorated so it would look more Halloween and give off a more festive vibe so that the kids would feel more at home and for the mental health of people that have to stay inside all the time.

The candy drive was a success because it benefited the community and gave kids a chance to get candy when the current situation prevented it. It was positively received and overall fostered a lot of good spirits. It allowed people to get into the Halloween spirit more even when it feels depressing at the moment. It also opened minds up to the helpfulness of volunteering and to foster a better community.

Members who participated: Elise Zhu (1 hr), Brandon Zhu (1 hr),  Gavin Cao (1 hr), Matthew Yang (1 hr), Benjamin Yang (1 hr), and Loretta Liu (1 hr).
Updated: November 27, 2020 — 9:57 pm


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  1. Please upload photos from your volunteer event.
    AYLUS National Leadership Team

    1. AYLUS Manhasset Branch

      Did that.

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