Greater Princeton AYLUS Added Chess Class Beyond The Chess Tournament for AYLUS in September 2020

The Greater Princeton AYLUS Chess Team continued classes every Monday and Tuesday along with Chess Tournaments on the first Saturday every month starting in October.

We have learned many new skills such as removing the defender, en passant and more checkmate in 3 moves. After class, there is always time to play games against each other to have the opportunity to practice the skills we have learned in class in a real game. Having learned a variety of skills, the students are improving their visualization and tactic skills. Additionally, ABC Chess has introduced another class for beginners. It occurs every Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm. During class, we teach beginner skills such as what we call the pieces and how they move to how to set up a chessboard. Curious players are enjoying learning about the fascinating game of chess.

On Saturday, October 3rd, from 1:30-3:30 PM EST, GPA members Sarah Yan and Erick Yan will host AYLUS Chess Club’s chess tournament on to promote youth volunteer community services while defeating the COVID-19 pandemic. It would be fun for everyone to play against others who all love to play and learn to improve their skills in chess. The tournament offers a chance for students and other eager chess players around the world to learn more about chess and get authentic experience while playing against each other. The time control will remain the same (G10+5) and everyone is welcome. All ages can come and compete with their skills and have fun playing games of chess.

Participants: Sarah Yan (9/28, 2 hrs), Erick Yan (9/28, 2 hrs)

Updated: October 1, 2020 — 5:39 pm

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