Edison Branch Serviced at Roosevelt Park Earth Day on July 18th, 2020

On the third Saturday of July, 07/18/20, the Edison Branch of AYLUS Victoria He, Prince Hu, Angela Hu and Xin CHen drove to Roosevelt Park to help keep the park clean. The weather was perfect for litter-gathering: bright, sunny, and clear skies.

As they walked around the park looking for trash, they saw squirrels scampering around, and the occasional bird on the tree branches. By the end of their walk, they have accumulated three bags full of trash, a shocking discovery, for at first glance, the park had seemed relatively clean. The branch members felt proud to help take care of the environment and when they drove away, they were glad to say that they had left the place better than before. We at the Edison Branch, implore you to follow our lead and help to pick up whatever pieces of trash you may see on your forays outside during this time, and we will continue these actions, and strive to always leave our environment better than we have found it.

Updated: July 18, 2020 — 9:03 pm

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