Greater Princeton AYLUS Featured 20th Talented Member: Colin Li on January 18, 2019

Reported by Cassie Tammy Wang

Greater Princeton AYLUS (GPA), NJ Branch, has many talented members. Since December 11th, 2018, we have started to feature some of them on our web page, so all GPA members get to know each other. Hopefully, it would also help with more constructive and collaborative teamwork among GPA members in our volunteer activities! So here comes one of our proud members Colin Li:

Self-Introduction Provided by Colin Li:

To start off, my name is Colin and I’m in 8th grade. As far back as I could remember, I was always somebody that tried to be accountable. Now, in middle school, it couldn’t matter more. As I begin to enter high school territory, homework begins to pile up, and tests become more frequent. At school, I enjoy most team subjects (i.e. math, social studies, reading, writing, and science). Among those, I enjoy math and social studies above the others.

In math, I learn new things every day that will be helpful in the future. For example, something that I learned in math last year was probability. This is an essential skill that can be used in many ways throughout my life. Besides it being able to help you when planning or placing bets, it can also be used when doing daily things such as predicting the weather.

In social studies, I have found that throughout history, mistakes that have been made teach us life lessons. For example, discrimination in the 1900s taught each and every one us to not judge anybody based on their skin color, or on their physical appearance. Life lessons like these can help us grow as a person, and become wiser.

Something else that I have been able to appreciate and enjoy as a child is nature. As I grew up, my family and I would travel across the country and visit new places. Some of these places would include national parks. These parks such as Yellowstone show us just how beautiful our world is, and how we shouldn’t take it for granted. Each person should all lend a helping hand to protect our environment, and make our world a cleaner place.

Lastly, I’ve also always enjoyed having fun. Whether this is through traveling to places like the Bahamas, doing sports like skiing, reading a book, or playing video games, I feel like being able to have fun is something that defines a kid.

In conclusion, all of this has molded me into the person I am today, and will impact the kind of person I will be in the future being one of the powerful GPA volunteering team members.

Updated: October 2, 2019 — 7:57 pm

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