Tag: Park Cleanup

Riverside County AYLUS Members Clean Local Neighborhood Park on August 11th, 2024

On August 11th, 2024, several RCA members gathered to clean up a local neighborhood park. They focused on the green areas, walking trails, and the nearby playground. They found trash scattered in the bushes, on the trails, and across the grassy areas. After diligently collecting the litter, they responsibly disposed of it in the designated […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Clean Local Neighborhood Park on July 14th, 2024

On July 14th, 2024, several RCA members gathered to clean up a local neighborhood park. They extended their efforts to a nearby lake, focusing on the green areas, walking trails, and the playground. They found trash scattered in the bushes, on the trails, and across the grassy areas. After diligently collecting the litter, they responsibly […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its First Park Clean-Up on June 21st, 2021 (16)

On June 21st, 2021 RCA members Chandler Berry, Jacob Navarro, Nicholas Navarro, and Sophie Chung got together to host their first Harveston park clean-up. They brought different tools such as gloves, grabbers, trash bags as well as wipes, and Lysol spray. Everyone was wearing a mask, gloves and was socially distancing while working on this […]