Greater Seattle Area, WA

Status: Alumni


On March 3rd, 2020, three students from Newport High School and Skyline High School in Washington founded the fifty-third branch for the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States (AYLUS):  Greater Seattle Area, WA.



Congratulations to Jeffrey, David, and Emily of the Greater Seattle Area Branch! Great job!


Description of the Greater Seattle Area Branch

This branch was created in the Greater Seattle Area, amid the panic and fear that hit the area when the coronavirus outbreak arrived in early 2020. We believed then was the time to stand out, call more young leaders in the community to join us, and encourage people in the neighborhood to avoid panicking and deal with this crisis through our proactive volunteering, outreach events, and community service work. We believed that the spirit of personal initiative, community involvement, and active leadership would be carried on beyond the natural conclusion of the crisis.

The goal of this branch is to promote volunteerism and community service, and to demonstrate a sense of responsibility, devotion, and generosity. We encourage young people to seize the initiative, to assume the duties of a good role model, and to become important contributors and leaders in their community through meaningful charity, volunteer services, and civic involvement. We also believe that even the smallest amount of effort can make a significant difference in the world, which is why we would like to get together and dedicate ourselves to cultivating a good character and a spirit of selfless service so that we may become examples of model citizens in this developing generation.

If anyone is interested in joining this noble initiative, please contact us at We would love for you to join Seattle AYLUS!


Branch Leadership

Position Name Email
President Jeffrey Chen
Vice President David Aoyama
Vice President Yixiao Sun
Secretary Emily Huang Si
Advisor Yongtao Chen
Advisor Dengyun Sun



Greater Seattle Area Branch Donated PPE to Neighboring Hospitals

Greater Seattle Area Branch Launched GoFundMe Campaign to Raise Funds for Farmworkers to Fight COVID-19

The Greater Seattle Area Branch Launched Online English Classes for Students in China on July 20, 2020

The Greater Seattle Area Branch Finished First Month of Online English Classes for Students in China on August 24, 2020

The Greater Seattle Area Branch Extended Online Classes to Teaching Computer Science in English as of January 1, 2021