Upper Manhattan Branch Hosts a Park Cleanup at Cunningham Park on April 28

On April 28th, Richard Xu and Mark Li demonstrated their commitment to environmental stewardship by dedicating 2.5 hours to cleaning up Cunningham Park. Their efforts focused on picking up litter, including plastic bottles, soda cans, cigarettes, bottle caps, food wrappers, and more. Through their diligent work, they not only improved the cleanliness of the park but also contributed to the preservation of its natural beauty and the well-being of its wildlife.

Cunningham Park, a beloved green space within the community, provides a sanctuary for both residents and wildlife to enjoy nature’s wonders. However, like many public parks, it faces the challenge of littering, which can detract from its appeal and harm the local ecosystem. Richard and Mark recognized the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment and took proactive steps to address this issue. Armed with gloves and garbage bags, Richard and Mark meticulously picked up litter, ensuring that they targeted a wide range of items commonly found in outdoor settings.

Their attention to detail and dedication to thoroughness was evident as they combed through grassy areas, under trees, and along park benches, leaving no piece of litter behind. By removing these items from the environment, they not only enhanced the park’s visual appeal but also reduced the risk of harm to wildlife that may ingest or become entangled in litter.

The cleanup of cigarette butts, in particular, is noteworthy as it contributes to both environmental and public health benefits. Cigarette litter is not only unsightly but also contains harmful chemicals that can leach into the soil and water, posing risks to wildlife and ecosystems. Richard and Mark’s efforts to collect these discarded butts helped create a cleaner and safer environment for park visitors and wildlife alike.

Members who participated(2.5 hrs): Mark Li and Richard Xu

Reported by Mark

Updated: April 29, 2024 — 1:02 am

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