In March, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) announced the fourth lecture of our Data Science Lecture Series, taking place on Monday, March 14th from 4:00-5:00 pm ET over Zoom.
We have the pleasure of inviting Dr. Wei Vivian Li, a professor of biostatistics at Rutgers University. She will be talking about data science in genomic studies, in her lecture “Data Science Questions and Methods in Genomic Studies,” before answering any questions in a Q & A session.
The GPA host was Catherine Feng: Contacting speakers and advisors (1 hour, 2/18), Making flyers (2 hours, 2/18), Creating and sending out registration and follow-up form (0.5 hour, 2/21), Updating Website (1 hour, 2/21), Contacting Sponsors (1 hour, 3/12), Setting up Zoom meeting and sending out meeting invitations (1 hour, 3/13), Hosting the meeting (1 hour, 3/14).