ALYUS Manhasset Holds Python Lesson Week 1 (11/6/2021)

This event took place on Saturday, November 6, 2021, from 5:00 – 7:00. The lesson was taught on zoom. The zoom was interrupted 2 times, and 3 zoom sessions were required for the entire class because free zoom has a time limit of 45 minutes duration while this class is 2 hours. 

Around 15 people participated in this class. Although class participation was not the highest, a few people consistently engaged in the class and offered answers. To encourage future participation, we might start calling on students to answer questions, making sure everyone is paying attention.

As this is the first class, we went over the basics and essentials of python. In this class, we taught: Variables, Print, Comments, Basic Data Types, Inputs, Type Conversions, and the Python Interpreter. The class consisted of 3 parts, a lecture, a practice, and a review. In the lecture, we introduced new material with some practice questions to reinforce ideas. During the practice section, we allowed students to try out practice problems and share their answers. During the review section, we went over answers to the practice problems. Many students struggled with the practice questions, so we might need to spend some time reviewing this week’s material in the next session. All course notes were posted and students were encouraged to read them if anything was unclear. 

Overall, there were some good parts and some parts that needed improvement. We need to improve our explanations for each topic so students can have a better understanding. On the other hand, the course notes were very detailed, so students can reread them after the class to gain a better understanding. 

Course Material: 

Total Time: Alex Lu (3 hrs), Jonas Kim (3 hrs)


Updated: November 14, 2021 — 3:20 am

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