In August, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) students continued their Education Help Program. As school ends and summer break starts, some middle school students are looking for tutoring classes to improve their academic skills in classes like math, science, or reading. Because of this, GPA is holding tutoring opportunities in core subjects.
GPA members Karen Yang (8/15, 2 hrs), Kathy Yang (8/15, 2 hrs), Kevin Song (8/15, 3 hrs): This week we began with a question of the day. Then we discussed how to solve quadratic equations where the quadratic coefficient wasn’t 1. Students tried out problems and factored as well. We then did more quadratic problems while trying some more challenging problems as well. We also answered questions they had about their homework. We then started teaching students some more physics! We talked about basic SI units and quantities. We’ll be having class next week!
GPA members Sophia Song (8/17, 2 hrs) helped her tutee with Algebra II, while Annie Miao (8/18, 2 hrs) started going over geometry with her tutee. They had a review on the rules for identifying different polygons, how to find perimeter and area, and the Pythagorean theorem.
The program allows GPA members to provide reading, writing, speaking, communication, and more to their students across the country.