East Cobb Branch Virtual Academic Tutoring – PSAT Session I

On June 15th, 17th, and 19th, the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS began their 2020 PSAT tutoring.

The Tutoring program’s goal is to provide a community resource to help students prepare for the PSAT test administered in the Fall. Since the PSAT is divided into three subjects, Reading, Writing, and Math, the program would also have three tutors, one for each subject. The tutors our branch selected had all previously done well on the PSAT or were otherwise qualified to teach the subjects. The program would last two weeks, with lessons occurring on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  To maximize effective teaching time while also keeping students engaged, the subjects would be taught two at a time, rotating throughout the week. This format meant there would be fewer transitions taking up time, allow for more complete lessons to be taught, and give the students a break so that they would not be too overwhelmed.

For the first day, the tutors first introduced themselves the students and then Michael began teaching Reading. Afterwards would be Maxwell Teaching Math. Each lesson was around 40 minutes in length because of the introductions but future lessons were planned to be around 45 minutes to fully utilize the 90 minutes the program provided each day. Just like the first day, the second and third days progressed smoothly. By the end of the first week, the students had learned about the common types and formats of the questions on the PSAT and had some experience with sample questions. The lessons will continue in the second week where the tutors will continue to expand on what they had taught in the first week.

Attendance: Jack Xu(4.5 hours), Maxwell Jiang(4.5 hours), Michael D Fu(4.5 hours)

Reported by Maxwell Jiang

Updated: June 23, 2020 — 3:57 am

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