Since March 2020, with COVID-19 quickly spreading out, the Greater Princeton branch of AYLUS (GPA) has been very active in raising funds for medical protective equipment and donating them to NY/NJ hospitals, police departments, rescue squads, and senior centers. Besides GPA, many Chinese American organizations are making the same efforts day and night, supporting their local health care workers and more with masks, gloves, disinfectant wipes, goggles, gowns, and more.
The American Chinese United Care Alliance (ACUC) recently formed in NYC, with the mission of putting the efforts together to help doctors and nurses in hospitals through this COVID-19 emergency. They invited GPA to join. So far, over 100 Chinese American organizations making donations have joined ACUC. Together we can help save more lives while fighting against the virus.
Donation Participants: Danny Jiao (8 hours), Cassie Tammy Wang