On March 20, 2020, the Greater Princeton branch of AYLUS (GPA) members had a busy day, helping the International Leadership Foundation to donate cases of medical supplies.
The donated items were 1000 N95 type and 5000 disposable face masks, disinfectant wipes and examination gloves, to the Mercy Medical Center in Long Island, NY (1000 N Village Avenue). GPA also donated 100 N95 type and 500 disposable face masks, disinfectant wipes and examination gloves to the Rescue Squad in Plainsboro, NJ (621 Plainsboro Road).
COVID-2019 is now a real threat to our community in the United States, and it is time for us to protect people around us. There is an alarming condition of shortage in protective medical supplies esp. N95 face masks while doctors and nurses are taking care of their patients or volunteer members responding to emergency calls within our community.
By donating such urgently needed medical supplies, which are critical to keep our medical personnel healthy as long as possible and allow them to continue providing health care services or responding to the calls when someone is sick or hurt, GPA members are helping keep them safe, and able to continue saving lives!
Below is a Thank-You-Letter from the Plainsboro Rescue Squad:
Donation Participants: Danny Jiao (8 hours), Mark He (2 hours), Cathy He (2 hours), Cassie Tammy Wang (2 hours), Yugong Ismay Wang (2 hours), Fengqi Wen (2 hours), and Donna Nagorny (2 hours).