AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Bethpage State Park on 10/12/2024(48th)

AYLUS members volunteered at Bethpage State Park from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 12, 2024. The target area was a trail behind Northside Elementary School.Our goal this time is to remove mugwort, wild roses, porcelain berries and dead branches from the designated area.


After arriving at the target area, the volunteers began to work seriously. Some used tools like large scissors to cut down mugwort and wild roses, some pulled out porcelain berries, branches and leaves with gloves, and some used special wood sawing knives to saw off dead branches that wasted the tree’s nutrients. The volunteers put all the cleared plants into large barrels, which were then transported away by a small truck.


The work done by Bethpage State Park is very important. If the plants were not removed in time and allowed native plants to reproduce smoothly, they will not only deprive other plant species’ living space and nutrients, leading to a decline in biodiversity, but may also affect or even directly change the local ecological environment. This will effect inan irreversible negative impact on the biosphere in the area. The volunteers were glad to contribute to the environment,and they ended up in a big photos of 3 different branches of Great Neck.


Report by : Yingxiang Liu

Volunteers :Zoe Xia , Jerry Li , Yingxiang Liu , Felicia Liu , Yuya Liu , Kevin li. (2 Hours)

Updated: October 14, 2024 — 4:00 am

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