AYLUS Great Neck Branch Fundraising at the Farmers Market located in the Firefighters park on 8/25/2024

We went to the Firefighters park to participate in the Farmers market happening there with the intention to raise around 300 dollars for the CP nassau organization . CP nassau is an organization that is based in Nassau county and helps people who suffer from mental disabilities. The farmers market starts at 10am but volunteers Kevin and Emma arrived roughly half an hour earlier to secure a good spot for our shop and set it up.Our shop sold home-made trinkets such as bracelets and crochet bags but also sold larger home-made leather bags. All the items were made by students and helped us mitigate cost and maximize money raised.This time we raised $309 reaching our aforementioned goal. During the morning period we only sold $140 worth of merchandise and businesses started to slow down. To reach our goal, volunteers Sophia and Serena showed great initiative by going out and selling two untouched shawls for $25 each to passersby. Overall we did really well and reached our money goals and will be implementing lessons we learned about taking initiative into our next fundraising event.

Kevin Zhang(5hrs)

Tiffany zhang (8hrs),
Yiqing (Laura) Lu, Max zhang(3hr)
Zoe Xia, Sophia li, Melody fan, Emma ding(4hr)

Yingxiang Liu,Felicia Liu,Yuya Liu (2hr)
Serena chen(4.5hr)

Updated: September 7, 2024 — 5:13 pm

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